
Showing posts from May, 2023

The 5 levels of team dysfunctions

The 5 levels of team dysfunctions #1 Lack of trust The most fundamental pillar of a functioning team is  trust . If there is a lack of trust within a team, then it is impossible to have a well-performing team. But if you, as a team member, trust your team, then you don´t have a problem to admit a mistake, when you made one. People in a trusting team  admit weaknesses . They also  ask for help , if they need it. If you don´t trust your team members, then you probably are also not going to ask them for help. And you may end-up with wasting a lot of time on a simple task, which you might have solved easily with just a little bit of help from another team member. In trusting teams the team members also  look forward to  meetings and other opportunities to  work as a group . And this is great for a healthy team. #2 Fear of conflict The second level of team dysfunction is  fear of conflict  – for example if team members are afraid to openly express their opinion, because it might end-up in a

Difference between the Definition of Ready(DOR) and Definition of Done(DOD)

  The key difference between the definition of ready and definition of done is that: the  definition of ready  covers the  requirements coming into  the sprint the  definition of done  covers the  product coming out  of the sprint. So the definition of ready (DoR) applies to your  user stories . It makes transparent your team’s shared understanding of what’s needed for a user story to be brought into a sprint. The definition of done (DoD) applies to your  working software . It makes transparent your team’s shared understanding of the quality standards a piece of work needs to reach to be releasable.