The 5 levels of team dysfunctions
The 5 levels of team dysfunctions #1 Lack of trust The most fundamental pillar of a functioning team is trust . If there is a lack of trust within a team, then it is impossible to have a well-performing team. But if you, as a team member, trust your team, then you don´t have a problem to admit a mistake, when you made one. People in a trusting team admit weaknesses . They also ask for help , if they need it. If you don´t trust your team members, then you probably are also not going to ask them for help. And you may end-up with wasting a lot of time on a simple task, which you might have solved easily with just a little bit of help from another team member. In trusting teams the team members also look forward to meetings and other opportunities to work as a group . And this is great for a healthy team. #2 Fear of conflict The second level of team dysfunction is fear of conflict – for example if team members are afraid to...