
Showing posts from October, 2023

Development v/s Deployment

Development and deployment are two distinct stages in the software development life cycle: Development:   This stage involves designing, coding, and testing the software application.  Developers create the code, using various programming languages and tools, to build the desired functionality of the software.  They also perform unit testing to ensure that each individual component of the software functions as expected. Deployment :  In this stage, the software is installed and made available for end-users to access and utilize .  It involves activities like configuring servers, setting up databases, installing necessary dependencies, and ensuring that the software is ready for production use.  Deployment may also involve activities like user training and documentation preparation . Development and Deployment are interconnected but separate processes .  Development focuses on creating the actual software, whereas Deployment focuses on making the software available for usage.  Develo

Visual dashboards v/s dashboards

Visual dashboards and dashboards are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have some subtle differences. A visual dashboard refers specifically to a dashboard that is designed to be visually appealing and visually communicate data and information in a clear and concise manner. It focuses on presenting information in a way that is easy to understand and interpret, usually through the use of charts, graphs, and other visual elements. The emphasis is on the visual representation of data to enhance understanding and insight. On the other hand, a dashboard is a broader term that encompasses any tool or interface used to display key performance indicators (KPIs), metrics, and other important data in a consolidated view. It can be visual or non-visual, depending on how the data is presented. Dashboards can be simple and basic, displaying only a few metrics, or complex and advanced, incorporating various interactive features and functionality. In summary, a visual dashboard i

Kanban board setup for AMS teams in SAP

To set up a Kanban system for AMS teams in SAP, you can follow these steps: 1. Define the workflow: Understand the specific stages involved in the AMS (Application Management Services) process. This can include stages like ticket creation, assignment, analysis, development, testing, deployment, and closure. Determine the sequence and dependencies of these stages. 2. Create Kanban columns: Map each stage of the AMS process to a separate column on the Kanban board. For example, create columns like "To Do," "In Progress," "In Review," "Ready for Deployment," and "Completed." 3. Define work item types: Classify the types of work that the team will handle. This can include different types of tickets or tasks like bug fixes, enhancements, or system configurations. Assign a specific color or label to each work item type. 4. Set WIP limits: Establish work-in-progress (WIP) limits for each column to avoid bottlenecks and promote smooth flow. Def

Setup Kanban system for AMS

To set up a Kanban system for AMS teams in SAP, you can follow these steps: 1. Define the workflow: Understand the specific stages involved in the AMS (Application Management Services) process. This can include stages like ticket creation, assignment, analysis, development, testing, deployment, and closure. Determine the sequence and dependencies of these stages. 2. Create Kanban columns: Map each stage of the AMS process to a separate column on the Kanban board. For example, create columns like "To Do," "In Progress," "In Review," "Ready for Deployment," and "Completed." 3. Define work item types: Classify the types of work that the team will handle. This can include different types of tickets or tasks like bug fixes, enhancements, or system configurations. Assign a specific color or label to each work item type. 4. Set WIP limits: Establish work-in-progress (WIP) limits for each column to avoid bottlenecks and promote smooth flow. Def


WHO IS A SCRUM MASTER ? 1.       Facilitator of the Scrum Team  2.       Mange the Scrum process 3.       A person who ensures everyone is following the scrum rules and guidelines on the projects. 4.       SM provides help and support to the Development team by solving their problems in case of any impediments  5.       SM is the mediator between the PO-Product Owner and the Development Team  6.       SM keeps PO-Product Owner informed about the progress of the sprint  7.       Like the Daily Stand-up a stand-up of the SM with the PO happens every day.  Services of the Scrum Master to the Product Owner ·         Help the product owner to organize the product backlog items as much as possible to maximize its value. ·         Help them find the Techniques to effectively manage the product backlog. ·         Ensures that the scrum team understands the scope, product domain, and the goals ·         Ensures that the contents of the PRODUCT BACKLOG ITEMS are clear, conc