Real time example to create Epic Features, Stories, Acceptance criteria , Tasks , DOD , DOR, Story points

Creating epic features, stories, acceptance criteria, tasks, Definition of Done (DOD), Definition of Ready (DOR), and assigning story points is a common practice in Agile project management, particularly in Scrum. Here's a real-time example for a hypothetical project:

Project: Developing a Mobile App for Task Management

Epic: User Authentication                                                                                    

Story 1: User Registration

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. User should be able to enter their email and password.
  2. Password should be at least 8 characters long.
  3. User's email should be in a valid format.
  4. Upon successful registration, a confirmation email should be sent.
  5. The user's information should be stored securely.


  1. Design the user registration form.
  2. Implement email and password validation.
  3. Create a database schema for user data.
  4. Develop the registration functionality.
  5. Implement email confirmation logic.
  6. Set up secure data storage.

Definition of Done (DOD):

  1. Code is written and reviewed.
  2. Unit tests are passed.
  3. Code is integrated into the main branch.
  4. Acceptance tests pass.
  5. Documentation is updated.
  6. Product owner reviews and accepts the story.

Definition of Ready (DOR):

  1. The epic and story are in the backlog.
  2. The product owner has prioritized the story.
  3. Acceptance criteria are well-defined.
  4. The team understands the story and its scope.
  5. Required resources and dependencies are available.

Story Points: Let's say this story is assigned 5 story points to indicate its complexity and size.

Story 2: User Login

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Registered users can log in with their email and password.
  2. Password should be validated.
  3. Users should be redirected to their task dashboard upon successful login.
  4. Failed login attempts should be handled gracefully.


  1. Design the login interface.
  2. Implement password validation.
  3. Develop the login functionality.
  4. Create a dashboard page.
  5. Implement failed login attempt handling.

Definition of Done (DOD):

  1. Code is written and reviewed.
  2. Unit tests are passed.
  3. Code is integrated into the main branch.
  4. Acceptance tests pass.
  5. Documentation is updated.
  6. Product owner reviews and accepts the story.

Definition of Ready (DOR):

  1. The epic and story are in the backlog.
  2. The product owner has prioritized the story.
  3. Acceptance criteria are well-defined.
  4. The team understands the story and its scope.
  5. Required resources and dependencies are available.

Story Points: Let's say this story is assigned 3 story points.

In this example, we've created two user stories within the "User Authentication" epic. Each story includes acceptance criteria, a list of tasks, DOD, DOR, and story points. These components help the development team understand what needs to be done, ensure quality, and estimate the effort required for implementation. The story points are used to estimate the relative complexity and size of each story, helping with sprint planning and prioritization.


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