Implement WhatsApp Features - Epics and User Stories

To implement WhatsApp features into Jira’s structure with a focus on Epics, you'll be organizing these features into high-level categories that can be broken down further into User Stories, Tasks, and Subtasks. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Identify Core WhatsApp Features

Start by identifying the core features of WhatsApp that need to be implemented. These might include:

  • Chat Functionality
  • Voice and Video Calls
  • Status Updates
  • Contact Management
  • Notifications
  • Media Sharing (Images, Videos, Documents)
  • Security Features (End-to-End Encryption)
  • Group Chat

2. Create Epics for Each Feature

Each core feature of WhatsApp should be represented as an Epic in Jira. Epics are large bodies of work that encompass related tasks and User Stories.

Example of Epics for WhatsApp Features:

  • Epic 1: Implement WhatsApp Chat Functionality

    • This Epic would include everything related to the basic chat system, such as sending and receiving messages, managing chat history, and message delivery status.
  • Epic 2: Implement WhatsApp Voice and Video Calls

    • This Epic covers the development of real-time voice and video calling features, including the call interface, call quality optimization, and call history.
  • Epic 3: Implement WhatsApp Status Updates

    • This Epic involves creating the ability to post and view status updates, which disappear after 24 hours.
  • Epic 4: Implement Contact Management

    • This Epic includes features related to adding, deleting, and managing contacts, as well as viewing contact information and chat threads.
  • Epic 5: Implement Notifications

    • This Epic focuses on developing push notifications for messages, calls, and other activities.
  • Epic 6: Implement Media Sharing

    • This Epic handles the ability to send and receive images, videos, and documents within chats.
  • Epic 7: Implement Security Features

    • This Epic is dedicated to end-to-end encryption, user authentication, and other security measures.
  • Epic 8: Implement Group Chat

    • This Epic includes features like creating groups, adding/removing participants, group settings, and managing group conversations.

3. Break Down Epics into User Stories

Each Epic should be broken down into smaller, actionable User Stories that describe specific features or user requirements. For example, under the "Implement WhatsApp Chat Functionality" Epic, you might have User Stories like:

4. Link Tasks and Subtasks to Epics

Each User Story can then be further broken down into Tasks and Subtasks, which represent the actual work to be done by developers, designers, and other team members.

Example of Tasks under "Implement WhatsApp Chat Functionality":

  • Task 1.1: Develop the front-end interface for chat messages.

    • Subtask 1.1.1: Design the chat UI.
    • Subtask 1.1.2: Implement the chat input field and send button.
  • Task 1.2: Set up backend messaging service.

    • Subtask 1.2.1: Implement message queueing.
    • Subtask 1.2.2: Integrate with database for message storage.

5. Assign Acceptance Criteria, DoR, and DoD

Each User Story within an Epic should have clearly defined Acceptance Criteria, as well as a Definition of Ready (DoR) and Definition of Done (DoD) to ensure that the work meets quality standards and is ready for deployment.

6. Manage and Track Progress

Use Jira’s features like boards, sprints, and reports to manage and track the progress of each Epic and its associated User Stories, Tasks, and Subtasks.

Example in Jira:

Let's break down each of the Epics into multiple User Stories:

Epic 1: Implement WhatsApp Chat Functionality

  1. User Story 1.1: As a user, I want to send text messages in real-time so that I can communicate with my contacts.
  2. User Story 1.2: As a user, I want to receive text messages in real-time so that I can stay up-to-date with my conversations.
  3. User Story 1.3: As a user, I want to see the delivery status (sent, delivered, read) of my messages so that I know if my contacts have received and read them.
  4. User Story 1.4: As a user, I want to search my chat history so that I can find specific messages.
  5. User Story 1.5: As a user, I want to delete individual messages or entire chat threads so that I can manage my conversations.

Epic 2: Implement WhatsApp Voice and Video Calls

  1. User Story 2.1: As a user, I want to make voice calls to my contacts so that I can communicate with them in real-time.
  2. User Story 2.2: As a user, I want to make video calls to my contacts so that I can have face-to-face conversations.
  3. User Story 2.3: As a user, I want to switch between voice and video during a call so that I can adapt to the conversation needs.
  4. User Story 2.4: As a user, I want to see my call history so that I can track my communication with contacts.
  5. User Story 2.5: As a user, I want to mute my microphone or turn off my video during a call so that I can control what the other person hears or sees.

Epic 3: Implement WhatsApp Status Updates

  1. User Story 3.1: As a user, I want to post a status update that disappears after 24 hours so that I can share my moments with my contacts.
  2. User Story 3.2: As a user, I want to view the status updates of my contacts so that I can stay updated on their activities.
  3. User Story 3.3: As a user, I want to see who viewed my status updates so that I know which of my contacts have seen my posts.
  4. User Story 3.4: As a user, I want to reply to a status update so that I can interact with my contacts' posts.
  5. User Story 3.5: As a user, I want to delete my status update before 24 hours so that I can control the visibility of my content.

Epic 4: Implement Contact Management

  1. User Story 4.1: As a user, I want to add new contacts to WhatsApp so that I can chat with them.
  2. User Story 4.2: As a user, I want to edit contact details within WhatsApp so that I can update information as needed.
  3. User Story 4.3: As a user, I want to delete contacts from WhatsApp so that I can manage my contact list.
  4. User Story 4.4: As a user, I want to block contacts so that they can no longer communicate with me.
  5. User Story 4.5: As a user, I want to view and manage my blocked contacts list so that I can unblock contacts if needed.

Epic 5: Implement Notifications

  1. User Story 5.1: As a user, I want to receive notifications for new messages so that I’m aware of incoming chats.
  2. User Story 5.2: As a user, I want to customize my notification settings (sound, vibration, etc.) so that I can control how I receive alerts.
  3. User Story 5.3: As a user, I want to mute notifications for specific chats so that I’m not disturbed by non-urgent conversations.
  4. User Story 5.4: As a user, I want to receive notifications for missed calls so that I can return them promptly.
  5. User Story 5.5: As a user, I want to turn off notifications during calls so that I’m not distracted.

Epic 6: Implement Media Sharing

  1. User Story 6.1: As a user, I want to send images in a chat so that I can share visual content with my contacts.
  2. User Story 6.2: As a user, I want to send videos in a chat so that I can share moments with my contacts.
  3. User Story 6.3: As a user, I want to send documents in a chat so that I can share important files.
  4. User Story 6.4: As a user, I want to preview media before sending it so that I can ensure it’s the correct content.
  5. User Story 6.5: As a user, I want to download and view media sent by others so that I can access shared content.

Epic 7: Implement Security Features

  1. User Story 7.1: As a user, I want my chats to be encrypted end-to-end so that my communication is secure.
  2. User Story 7.2: As a user, I want to enable two-factor authentication for my account so that it is more secure.
  3. User Story 7.3: As a user, I want to verify my contacts’ security codes so that I can ensure my chats are secure.
  4. User Story 7.4: As a user, I want to receive alerts for security issues so that I can take immediate action if my account is compromised.
  5. User Story 7.5: As a user, I want to remotely log out from all devices so that I can secure my account if needed.

Epic 8: Implement Group Chat

  1. User Story 8.1: As a user, I want to create a group chat so that I can communicate with multiple contacts at once.
  2. User Story 8.2: As a user, I want to add or remove participants from a group chat so that I can manage the group’s membership.
  3. User Story 8.3: As a user, I want to assign group admins so that I can delegate group management responsibilities.
  4. User Story 8.4: As a user, I want to mute a group chat so that I’m not disturbed by frequent messages.
  5. User Story 8.5: As a user, I want to set a group icon and name so that the group is easily recognizable.

This breakdown allows the team to work on specific user needs in each Epic, ensuring that every aspect of WhatsApp's functionality is covered. 

detailed breakdown of Tasks and Subtasks for each User Story in Epics 1 through 8:

Epic 1: Implement WhatsApp Chat Functionality

User Story 1.1: Send Text Messages in Real-Time

  • Task 1.1.1: Develop the Front-End Chat Interface

    • Subtask Design the chat input field and send button.
    • Subtask Implement the chat message display area.
    • Subtask Implement text formatting options (e.g., bold, italics).
  • Task 1.1.2: Implement Backend Message Handling

    • Subtask Set up the message queue system.
    • Subtask Create APIs for sending messages to the server.
    • Subtask Implement message storage in the database.
  • Task 1.1.3: Implement Real-Time Message Delivery

    • Subtask Integrate WebSocket or MQTT for real-time messaging.
    • Subtask Implement message broadcast to recipients.

User Story 1.2: Receive Text Messages in Real-Time

  • Task 1.2.1: Implement Message Reception Logic
    • Subtask Develop backend logic for receiving messages.
    • Subtask Update chat UI in real-time when new messages are received.
    • Subtask Implement notification triggers for incoming messages.

User Story 1.3: Display Message Delivery Status

  • Task 1.3.1: Develop Status Indicators

    • Subtask Design UI icons for sent, delivered, and read statuses.
    • Subtask Implement status updates on the UI.
  • Task 1.3.2: Backend Integration for Status Updates

    • Subtask Develop server logic for tracking message status.
    • Subtask Implement message status update APIs.
    • Subtask Integrate real-time status updates with the front end.

User Story 1.4: Search Chat History

  • Task 1.4.1: Develop Search Functionality

    • Subtask Implement a search bar in the chat UI.
    • Subtask Implement the search algorithm on the client side.
  • Task 1.4.2: Backend Search Capability

    • Subtask Create APIs for querying message history.
    • Subtask Optimize database queries for faster search results.

User Story 1.5: Delete Messages and Chat Threads

  • Task 1.5.1: Develop Message Deletion UI

    • Subtask Implement UI options for deleting individual messages.
    • Subtask Implement UI for deleting entire chat threads.
  • Task 1.5.2: Backend Deletion Logic

    • Subtask Implement server-side deletion of messages.
    • Subtask Ensure deleted messages are removed from the database.

Epic 2: Implement WhatsApp Voice and Video Calls

User Story 2.1: Make Voice Calls

  • Task 2.1.1: Develop Voice Call UI

    • Subtask Design call interface (call button, end call button, mute, etc.).
    • Subtask Implement in-call UI controls.
  • Task 2.1.2: Implement Voice Call Backend

    • Subtask Set up VoIP infrastructure.
    • Subtask Develop APIs for initiating and managing calls.
    • Subtask Implement call quality monitoring and logging.

User Story 2.2: Make Video Calls

  • Task 2.2.1: Develop Video Call UI

    • Subtask Design video call interface.
    • Subtask Implement controls for toggling video and switching cameras.
  • Task 2.2.2: Backend Integration for Video Calls

    • Subtask Set up video streaming servers.
    • Subtask Implement video encoding and decoding.
    • Subtask Optimize bandwidth usage for video calls.

User Story 2.3: Switch Between Voice and Video During a Call

  • Task 2.3.1: UI Implementation for Switching

    • Subtask Add UI controls to switch between voice and video.
    • Subtask Ensure smooth UI transition during the switch.
  • Task 2.3.2: Backend Handling for Call Type Switching

    • Subtask Develop server-side logic to handle call type transitions.
    • Subtask Implement API calls for switching between voice and video.

User Story 2.4: View Call History

  • Task 2.4.1: Develop Call History UI

    • Subtask Design the call history list view.
    • Subtask Implement filtering options (e.g., missed, received, dialed).
  • Task 2.4.2: Backend Implementation for Call History

    • Subtask Create APIs to fetch call history from the server.
    • Subtask Ensure call logs are stored securely.

User Story 2.5: Mute Microphone or Turn Off Video During Calls

  • Task 2.5.1: Implement Mute and Video Toggle UI

    • Subtask Add mute and video off buttons to the call interface.
    • Subtask Design indicators to show the current status (muted/video off).
  • Task 2.5.2: Backend Handling for Muting and Video Toggle

    • Subtask Implement server-side logic to mute audio or stop video stream.
    • Subtask Ensure changes are propagated to all call participants.

Epic 3: Implement WhatsApp Status Updates

User Story 3.1: Post Status Updates

  • Task 3.1.1: Develop Status Posting UI

    • Subtask Design UI for creating status updates (text, images, videos).
    • Subtask Implement a preview feature before posting.
  • Task 3.1.2: Backend Implementation for Status Posting

    • Subtask Create APIs for posting and storing status updates.
    • Subtask Implement logic for automatic deletion after 24 hours.

User Story 3.2: View Status Updates

  • Task 3.2.1: Develop Status Viewing UI

    • Subtask Implement UI for viewing status updates.
    • Subtask Add navigation options for moving between statuses.
  • Task 3.2.2: Backend Integration for Status Viewing

    • Subtask Develop server-side logic for fetching status updates.
    • Subtask Optimize content delivery for smooth viewing.

User Story 3.3: See Who Viewed My Status Updates

  • Task 3.3.1: Develop Viewer List UI

    • Subtask Implement UI for displaying who viewed the status.
    • Subtask Implement real-time updates to the viewer list.
  • Task 3.3.2: Backend Implementation for Viewer Tracking

    • Subtask Create APIs to track and report viewers.
    • Subtask Ensure viewer data is stored and retrieved efficiently.

User Story 3.4: Reply to Status Updates

  • Task 3.4.1: Develop Reply UI
    • Subtask Design UI for replying to a status update.
      • Subtask Integrate reply feature with the chat functionality.
    • Task 3.4.2: Backend Integration for Status Replies

      • Subtask Implement server-side handling of status replies.
      • Subtask Ensure replies are linked to the corresponding status.

    • User Story 3.5: Delete Status Updates Before 24 Hours

      • Task 3.5.1: Implement Status Deletion UI

        • Subtask Add a delete button to the status view.
        • Subtask Confirm deletion action with the user.
      • Task 3.5.2: Backend Implementation for Early Status Deletion

        • Subtask Develop API for deleting status updates from the server.
        • Subtask Ensure immediate removal of deleted statuses from viewers’ lists.

      Epic 4: Implement Contact Management

      User Story 4.1: Add New Contacts

      • Task 4.1.1: Develop Contact Addition UI

        • Subtask Implement UI for adding a new contact.
        • Subtask Validate input data (phone number, name, etc.).
      • Task 4.1.2: Backend Handling for Adding Contacts

        • Subtask Develop APIs for saving new contacts.
        • Subtask Ensure contacts are synced with the server.

      User Story 4.2: Edit Contact Details

      • Task 4.2.1: Develop Contact Editing UI

        • Subtask Implement UI for editing contact information.
        • Subtask Provide options for updating name, phone number, and profile picture.
      • Task 4.2.2: Backend Implementation for Contact Editing

        • Subtask Create APIs for updating contact details.
        • Subtask Ensure contact updates are propagated to all devices.

      User Story 4.3: Delete Contacts

      • Task 4.3.1: Develop Contact Deletion UI

        • Subtask Add a delete contact option in the contact details.
        • Subtask Confirm deletion action with the user.
      • Task 4.3.2: Backend Handling for Contact Deletion

        • Subtask Implement server-side logic to remove contacts.
        • Subtask Ensure deletion is reflected across all devices.

      User Story 4.4: Block Contacts

      • Task 4.4.1: Develop Blocking UI

        • Subtask Implement UI for blocking contacts.
        • Subtask Confirm block action with the user.
      • Task 4.4.2: Backend Handling for Blocking Contacts

        • Subtask Create APIs to block communication from specific contacts.
        • Subtask Ensure blocked contacts are prevented from sending messages or calls.

      User Story 4.5: Manage Blocked Contacts List

      • Task 4.5.1: Develop Blocked Contacts List UI

        • Subtask Implement UI to view and manage blocked contacts.
        • Subtask Provide an option to unblock contacts.
      • Task 4.5.2: Backend Handling for Unblocking Contacts

        • Subtask Develop APIs to unblock contacts.
        • Subtask Ensure unblocked contacts regain communication privileges.

      Epic 5: Implement Notifications

      User Story 5.1: Receive Notifications for New Messages

      • Task 5.1.1: Develop Notification UI

        • Subtask Implement pop-up notifications for new messages.
        • Subtask Ensure notifications are clickable to open the chat.
      • Task 5.1.2: Backend Integration for Notifications

        • Subtask Implement push notification service.
        • Subtask Ensure notifications are sent when messages are received.

      User Story 5.2: Customize Notification Settings

      • Task 5.2.1: Develop Notification Settings UI

        • Subtask Implement UI for setting notification preferences (sound, vibration, etc.).
        • Subtask Provide options for enabling/disabling notifications.
      • Task 5.2.2: Backend Handling for Notification Preferences

        • Subtask Store user preferences in the database.
        • Subtask Ensure notifications respect user settings.

      User Story 5.3: Mute Notifications for Specific Chats

      • Task 5.3.1: Implement Chat Mute UI

        • Subtask Add an option to mute notifications for individual chats.
        • Subtask Display muted status in the chat list.
      • Task 5.3.2: Backend Handling for Muting Chats

        • Subtask Develop APIs to mute chat notifications.
        • Subtask Ensure muted status is synchronized across devices.

      User Story 5.4: Receive Notifications for Missed Calls

      • Task 5.4.1: Develop Missed Call Notification UI

        • Subtask Implement UI for displaying missed call notifications.
        • Subtask Ensure notifications are linked to the call history.
      • Task 5.4.2: Backend Integration for Missed Call Notifications

        • Subtask Implement push notification service for missed calls.
        • Subtask Ensure notifications are sent when a call is missed.

      User Story 5.5: Turn Off Notifications During Calls

      • Task 5.5.1: Implement In-Call Notification Mute UI

        • Subtask Add an option to mute notifications during a call.
        • Subtask Display muted status during the call.
      • Task 5.5.2: Backend Handling for In-Call Notification Mute

        • Subtask Implement server-side logic to mute notifications during calls.
        • Subtask Ensure notifications resume after the call ends.

      Epic 6: Implement Media Sharing

      User Story 6.1: Send Images in a Chat

      • Task 6.1.1: Develop Image Sending UI

        • Subtask Implement image picker in the chat interface.
        • Subtask Display image preview before sending.
      • Task 6.1.2: Backend Handling for Image Sending

        • Subtask Implement APIs for uploading and sending images.
        • Subtask Optimize image compression for faster delivery.

      User Story 6.2: Send Videos in a Chat

      • Task 6.2.1: Develop Video Sending UI

        • Subtask Implement video picker in the chat interface.
        • Subtask Display video preview before sending.
      • Task 6.2.2: Backend Handling for Video Sending

        • Subtask Implement APIs for uploading and sending videos.
        • Subtask Optimize video compression for faster delivery.

      User Story 6.3: Send Documents in a Chat

      • Task 6.3.1: Develop Document Sending UI

        • Subtask Implement document picker in the chat interface.
        • Subtask Display document name and size before sending.
      • Task 6.3.2: Backend Handling for Document Sending

        • Subtask Implement APIs for uploading and sending documents.
        • Subtask Ensure documents are stored securely on the server.

      User Story 6.4: Preview Media Before Sending

      • Task 6.4.1: Develop Media Preview UI

        • Subtask Implement a preview screen for images and videos.
        • Subtask Provide options to edit or add captions before sending.
      • Task 6.4.2: Backend Handling for Media Preview

        • Subtask Ensure preview data is temporarily stored before sending.
        • Subtask Optimize media for preview to reduce load times.

      User Story 6.5: Download and View Media Sent by Others

      • Task 6.5.1: Implement Media Download UI

        • Subtask Add download buttons to received media.
        • Subtask Display download progress and completion status.
      • Task 6.5.2: Backend Handling for Media Downloads

        • Subtask Develop APIs for media retrieval from the server.
        • Subtask Ensure media is securely delivered to the user’s device.

      Epic 7: Implement Security Features

      User Story 7.1: End-to-End Encryption

      • Task 7.1.1: Implement Encryption Protocol

        • Subtask Integrate end-to-end encryption for messages.
        • Subtask Ensure encryption keys are securely exchanged.
      • Task 7.1.2: Backend Handling for Encrypted Messages

        • Subtask Store encrypted messages on the server.
        • Subtask Ensure messages are decrypted only on the recipient’s device.

      User Story 7.2: Two-Factor Authentication

      • Task 7.2.1: Develop Two-Factor Authentication UI

        • Subtask Implement UI for enabling two-factor authentication.
        • Subtask Provide options for authentication methods (SMS, email, etc.).
      • Task 7.2.2: Backend Implementation for Two-Factor Authentication

        • Subtask Implement server-side handling of authentication codes.
        • Subtask Ensure codes are securely delivered and verified.

      User Story 7.3: Verify Contacts’ Security Codes

      • Task 7.3.1: Implement Security Code Verification UI

        • Subtask Add an option to view and verify security codes in chat.
        • Subtask Provide a guide for users on how to verify codes.
      • Task 7.3.2: Backend Handling for Security Code Verification

        • Subtask Implement API for retrieving and verifying security codes.
        • Subtask Ensure security codes are securely generated and stored.

      User Story 7.4: Security Alerts

      • Task 7.4.1: Develop Security Alert UI

        • Subtask Implement pop-up alerts for security issues.
        • Subtask Provide options for immediate action (change password, log out, etc.).
      • Task 7.4.2: Backend Implementation for Security Alerts

        • Subtask Monitor account activity for suspicious behavior.
        • Subtask Trigger alerts when potential security breaches are detected.

      User Story 7.5: Remote Log Out

      • Task 7.5.1: Develop Remote Log Out UI

        • Subtask Implement UI to log out from all devices.
        • Subtask Provide a confirmation dialog before logging out.
      • Task 7.5.2: Backend Implementation for Remote Log Out

        • Subtask Develop API for logging out of all active sessions.
        • Subtask Ensure immediate termination of sessions across all devices.

      Epic 8: Implement Group Chat

      User Story 8.1: Create Group Chat

      • Task 8.1.1: Develop Group Creation UI

        • Subtask Implement UI to create a new group chat.
        • Subtask Allow users to select multiple contacts for the group.
      • Task 8.1.2: Backend Handling for Group Creation

        • Subtask Develop API for creating group chats.
        • Subtask Ensure groups are synced across all devices.

      User Story 8.2: Add or Remove Group Participants

      • Task 8.2.1: Implement Group Management UI

        • Subtask Add options to add or remove participants.
        • Subtask Ensure changes are reflected in the group chat.
      • Task 8.2.2: Backend Handling for Group Participant Management

        • Subtask Implement APIs for adding/removing participants.
        • Subtask Ensure participant changes are synchronized across devices.

      User Story 8.3: Assign Group Admins

      • Task 8.3.1: Develop Admin Management UI

        • Subtask Implement UI to assign or revoke admin roles.
        • Subtask Display admin badges next to admin participants.
      • Task 8.3.2: Backend Implementation for Admin Management

        • Subtask Create API for managing admin roles.
        • Subtask Ensure admin changes are reflected in the group chat.

      User Story 8.4: Mute Group Chat

      • Task 8.4.1: Implement Group Mute UI

        • Subtask Add an option to mute group chat notifications.
        • Subtask Display muted status in the group chat list.
      • Task 8.4.2: Backend Handling for Muting Group Chat

        • Subtask Develop API for muting group chat notifications.
        • Subtask Ensure muted status is synchronized across devices.

      User Story 8.5: Set Group Icon and Name

      • Task 8.5.1: Develop Group Settings UI

        • Subtask Implement UI for setting a group icon and name.
        • Subtask Ensure icon and name are displayed in the group chat.
      • Task 8.5.2: Backend Handling for Group Settings

        • Subtask Implement API for updating group icon and name.
        • Subtask Ensure updates are synced across all devices.

      These tasks and subtasks are designed to break down each user story into manageable components that can be assigned, tracked, and executed effectively. Each subtask can be further refined based on specific project needs or technical requirements.


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